Alpine, Arizona
Alpine Community Church
Worship & Bible Studies
(All times are AZ)
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:00
Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study @ 9:00
ALL are Welcome!
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Alpine Community Church online. You will get a glimpse into the worship, fellowship, and mission activities of our little mountain church. If you are visiting this rural community, or live here full-time, we invite you to join us. We would love to greet you and share the love of God with you.
Our Mission
"The mission of Alpine Community Church is to bring people to Jesus Christ, nurture our church family, promote righteousness in order to glorify and enjoy God, rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."
Our History
In 2014, this little mountain church began a new era in our community. For several years it had been discussed that we should seek to be released from the Grand Canyon Presbytery, and re-organize as a non-denominational church. Church members met with a discernment committee from the Presbytery in March, and we shared our desire to be released.

Linda's Retirement
The Alpine Community Church has had a long history, steeped in transitions and loyal members changing and adapting to God’s direction. Linda Sonive has been there throughout those years. For many years she played the piano, but was always in the background supporting whatever she was called to do. The past ten years found her in the pulpit. Along with her scripture readings and insight, she has included so many stories from her teaching days, her years at this church, and life in general. During this time, as well as prior years, she also led a Thursday morning Bible study for women.
After such a committment to our Alpine church, she decided to retire to an adult living facility in Tucson. August 18th, 2024, was her last day and we sent her off with the very best wishes and encouragement to now relax and enjoy her retirement years. Our words fall short of thanking her for all she has done at God’s church on the mountain!
A NEW Covered Deck in time for winter continues!
Progress is being made! Even installed Starlink so we can reach out and touch the world!
A NEW Covered Deck in time for winter!
The first task was to remove the old deck and railing. It took a committed crew to get it down in two hours! (Saturday, 9/21/24)
Construction began this past week. Watch for more pictures!
Enjoy Pictures from
Our Past Events!
Click on "Event Slide Shows" in the above menu.