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2018 Community Thanksgiving Dinner ~ 23rd Annual

Every year our Community Thanksgiving Dinner is a highlight for our community. The success each year is a direct reflection of all those who volunteer their time and energy. It’s always a blessing to work with others in the community, as well as our church members. AND what a response from local businesses and individuals in supporting the growing raffle items, by donating money, gift certificates, and special items! Kudos to ALL!

A Tracey Linda
B Tables
C Raffle Items
D Kay
Dar Serving line
Debbie S
Doug Others
E Another FE
E Desserts
Early Tables
Forest Estates
Holding Court
Joe Peddie
L Cathy
M Busy Cooks
Marion Perri
Oscar Patty
Pat Cathy
Pat Serving Line
Stuffing Frown
Tables Don S
Teri Serving Line
Tom Tom
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